Smart land Solutions

Harnessing the latest advancements in agriculture technology to boost efficiency and sustainability. We believe that the open-land-areas such as agriculture, ground-base stations and other platforms contain a massive amount of data that aren’t exploited enough. You see many currently observational devices used for capturing data on open-land environments are mostly focused on one-dimensional use of data. Data categories such as temperature, humidity, windspeed etc. are mostly viewed as controlling variables which leaves a significant opportunity unused. Our main focus is on the interaction between all relevant data categories which we believe the latest advanced technology and our scientific approach will upgrade and streamline all upgradeable routines.

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Optical sensing

Our expertise extends to pioneering the use of optical sensors for precision automation and smart monitoring, revolutionizing how industries harness data and insights for greater efficiency and intelligence.

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Software Development & Database Construction

At Eleqtrade, our expertise extends beyond hardware and sensors. We are also experienced in digital transformation through software development and database construction. Our commitment to innovation goes hand in hand with our ability to craft tailored software solutions and robust databases that empower businesses
to thrive in the digital age.

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Network Connection and Analysis

At Eleqtrade, we are involved in network analysis and connection optimization, leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as antennas and amplifiers to ensure seamless and reliable connectivity. In an era where connectivity is the lifeblood of businesses and industries, we understand the critical importance of robust networks that perform at their best. Our expertise in antenna technology allows us to extend the reach of your network, whether it's for indoor, outdoor, or specialized environments. From directional antennas for point-to-point connections to omnidirectional antennas for wide coverage, we select and deploy the most suitable antenna types to meet your specific requirements.

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